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Come, Prince of Peace, For Now

By E.L. Bevir

      Come, Prince of Peace, for now
      The sands are run!
      The root of David Thou,
      Yet David's Son;
      Man of the Father's choice,
      Faithful and tried.
      "Come!" saith the Spirit's voice,
      "Come!" saith the bride.

      To Him who sits above,
      Far over all,
      Rises the voice of love,
      That eager call
      From the vast desert dry,
      Here where He died:
      "Come!" 'tis the Spirit's cry,
      "Come!" saith the bride.

      Darkness is o'er in part,
      Clouds pass away.
      Shine on the longing heart,
      Bright Star of Day,
      Calling Thy spouse on high,
      Close to Thy side!
      "Come!" 'tis the Spirit's cry,
      "Come!" saith the bride.

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