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Jesus, our Lord, Our All,

By E.L. Bevir

      Jesus, our Lord, our all,
      To Thee we cling;
      Keep us (while empires fall)
      Under Thy wing.
      Saviour to Thee we pray,
      Knowing Thy Name;
      Yesterday and today
      Ever the Same!

      Quickly the moments flee,
      Passing away;
      One thousand years to Thee
      Are as one day.
      Changeless Thy majesty,
      Wondrous Thy Name;
      Through all eternity
      Thou art the Same!

      Maker of worlds of old,
      The starry sky;
      Thou shalt their glories fold,
      And lay them by.
      Yet Thy years never fail,
      Endless Thy fame;
      Thy mighty power we hail,
      Thou are the Same!

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