For his Wife, on her Birthday
Come away to the skies,
My beloved arise,
And rejoice on the day thou wast born,
On the festival day
Come exulting away,
To thy heavenly country return.
We have laid up our love
And treasure above,
Though our bodies continue below;
The redeem'd of the Lord
We remember his word,
And with singing to Sion we go.
With singing
Forth in Thy Name, O Lord
Forth in thy name, O Lord, I go,
my daily labor to pursue;
thee, only thee, resolved to know
in all I think or speak or do.
The task thy wisdom hath assigned,
O let me cheerfully fulfill;
in all my works thy presence find,
and prove thy good and perfect will.
For thee delightfully employ
what e'er thy bounteous grace h
Granted Is The Savior's Prayer
1 Granted is the Savior's prayer,
Sent the. gracious Comforter;
Promise of our parting Lord,
Jesus now to heaven restored;
2 Christ, who now gone up on high
Captive leads captivity;
While his foes from him receive
Grace, that God with man may live.
3 God, the everlasting God,
Makes with mortals his abode;
Whom the heavens cann
Hark! the Herald Angels Sing
Hark! the herald angels sing,
"Glory to the new born King,
peace on earth, and mercy mild,
God and sinners reconciled!"
Joyful, all ye nations rise,
join the triumph of the skies;
with th' angelic host proclaim,
"Christ is born in Bethlehem!"
Hark! the herald angels sing,
"Glory to the new born King!"
Head Of Thy Church, Whose Spirit Fills
1 Head of thy church, whose Spirit fills,
And flows through every faithful soul
Unites in mystic love, and seals
Them one, and sanctifies the whole;
2 Less than the least of saints, I join
My littleness of faith to theirs;
O King of all, thine ear incline,
Accept our much availing prayers.
3 Come, Lord, the glorious Spirit cries,
Holy Spirit
1 Jesus, we on the word depend,
Spoken by thee while present here,
"The Father in my name shall send
The Holy Ghost, the Comforter."
2 That promise made to Adam's race,
Now, Lord, in us, even us, fulfill;
And give the Spirit of thy grace,
To teach us all thy perfect will.
3 That heavenly Teacher of mankind,
That Guide infallible
How Can We Sinners Know
How can we sinners know
our sins on earth forgiven?
How can my gracious Savior show
my name inscribed in heaven?
What we have felt and seen,
with confidence we tell,
and publish to the ends of earth
the signs infallible.
We who in Christ believe
that he for us hath died,
we all his unknown peace receive
I Want a Principle Within
I want a principle within
of watchful, godly fear,
a sensibility of sin,
a pain to feel it near.
I want the first approach to feel
of pride or wrong desire,
to catch the wandering of my will,
and quench the kindling fire.
From thee that I no more may stray,
no more thy goodness grieve,
grant me the filial awe, I pray,
Jesus! the Name High over All
Jesus! the name high over all,
in hell or earth or sky;
angels and mortals prostrate fall,
and devils fear and fly.
Jesus! the name to sinners dear,
the name to sinners given;
it scatters all their guilty fear,
it turns their hell to heaven.
O that the world might taste and see
the riches of his grace!
The arm
Jesus, Lord, We Look to Thee
Jesus, Lord, we look to thee;
let us in thy name agree;
show thyself the Prince of Peace,
bid our strife forever cease.
By thy reconciling love
every stumbling block remove;
each to each unite, endear;
come, and spread thy banner here.
Make us of one heart and mind,
gentle, courteous, and kind,
lowly, meek, i
Jesus, Lover of My Soul
Jesus, lover of my soul,
let me to thy bosom fly,
while the nearer waters roll,
while the tempest still is high.
Hide me, O my Savior, hide,
till the storm of life is past;
safe into the haven guide;
O receive my soul at last.
Other refuge have I none,
hangs my helpless soul on thee;
leave, ah! leave me not alone,
Jesus, Thine All-Victorious Love
Jesus, thine all victorious love
shed in my heart abroad;
then shall my feet no longer rove,
rooted and fixed in God.
O that in me the sacred fire
might now begin to glow;
burn up the dross of base desire
and make the mountains flow!
O that it now from heaven might fall
and all my sins consume!
Come, Holy Ghost, for t
Jesus, United by Thy Grace
Jesus, united by thy grace
and each to each endeared,
with confidence we seek thy face
and know our prayer is heard.
Help us to help each other, Lord,
each other's cross to bear;
let all their friendly aid afford,
and feel each other's care.
Up unto thee, our living Head,
let us in all things grow;
till thou
Journal - March 9 to August 30 1736
TUESDAY, March 9th , 1736, about three in the afternoon, I first set foot on St. Simon's island, and immediately my spirit revived. No sooner did I enter upon my ministry, than God gave me, like Saul, another heart. So true in that [remark] of Bishop Hall: "The calling of God never leaves a man unchanged; neither did God ever employ any one in His
Let Us Plead for Faith Alone
Let us plead for faith alone,
faith which by our works is shown;
God it is who justifies,
only faith the grace applies.
Active faith that lives within,
conquers hell and death and sin,
hallows whom it first made whole,
forms the Savior in the soul.
Let us for this faith contend,
sure salvation is the end;
Lo, He Comes with Clouds Descending
Lo, he comes with clouds descending,
once for favored sinners slain;
thousand, thousand saints attending
swell the triumph of his train.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
God appears on earth to reign.
Every eye shall now behold him,
robed in dreadful majesty;
those who set at naught and sold him,
pierced and nailed hi
Love Divine, All Loves Excelling
Love divine, all loves excelling,
joy of heaven, to earth come down;
fix in us thy humble dwelling;
all thy faithful mercies crown!
Jesus thou art all compassion,
pure, unbounded love thou art;
visit us with thy salvation;
enter every trembling heart.
Breathe, O breathe thy loving Spirit
into every troubled breast!
Maker, in Whom We Live
Maker, in whom we live, in whom we are and move,
the glory, power, and praise receive for thy creating love.
Let all the angel throng give thanks to God on high,
while earth repeats the joyful song and echoes to the sky.
Incarnate Deity, let all the ransomed race
render in thanks their lives to thee for thy redeeming grace.
O Come and Dwell in Me
O come and dwell in me,
Spirit of power within,
and bring the glorious liberty
from sorrow, fear, and sin.
Hasten the joyful day
which shall my sins consume,
when old things shall be done away,
and all things new become.
I want the witness, Lord,
that all I do is right,
according to thy mind and word,
O For a Heart to Praise My God
O for a heart to praise my God,
a heart from sin set free,
a heart that always feels thy blood
so freely shed for me.
A heart resigned, submissive, meek,
my great Redeemer's throne,
where only Christ is heard to speak,
where Jesus reigns alone.
A humble, lowly, contrite heart,
believing, true, and clean,
which neithe