Amidst the millions of committed Christians in each generation, a handful rise to special prominence.
Brother Andrew is a hero of the faith, not for his preaching or teaching, but for the millions of Bibles he's smuggled into countries opposed to the gospel.
Brother Andrew prayed, and the guards passed his car bulging with Bibles across the Yugoslav border in 1957. He began his mission to bring the Word to worshipers cut off from their religion. It was a mission fraught with peril and pathos, financed by faith, supported by miracles.
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Who Is Brother Andrew?
In 1955 a young Dutch missionary named Brother Andrew went on a group tour to Poland. There he discovered a Christian church behind the Iron Curtain desperately in need of the Word of God. Brother Andrew (as he would later be known around the world) distributed a suitcase full of Christian literature...marking the humble beginnings of Open Doors
Interview with Brother Andrew
by Open Doors
OD: How do you feel the world has changed since September 11?
Andrew: During the "good old days" of communism, everybody knew who the "enemy" was. It's no longer so.
OD: How has it changed for Christians living in the Muslim world?
Andrew: Definitely for the worst. Christians are paying the price for how Musl