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Edwin Hallock Byington

      Edwin H. Byington was the Professor of Homiletics And Liturgics at Gordon College of Theology and Missions, Boston. He was also the author of several books, his best known being Open-Air Preaching.

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BookOpen-Air Preaching: Introduction
       Open-Air Preaching by Edwin Hallock Byington 1892 INTRODUCTION ABOUT two thousand years ago a noted person said, "The children of this world are wiser in their generation than the children of light." This witness was true, and has remained so from that day to this, for, in the race for success, they have kept ahead for two thousand ye
Open-Air Preaching: 1 - Open-Air Preaching in the Establishment of the Church
      Open-air preaching is not one of the "new methods." It was the original way of extending among men the revealed will of God. Not only is it "as old as preaching itself," but for centuries it was the only kind of preaching. "We are at full liberty to believe," says Spurgeon, "that Enoch, the seventh from Adam, when he prophesied, asked for no better
Open-Air Preaching: 2 - Open-Air Preaching in the Extension of the Church
      Christianity is spreading in successive waves, varying in frequency and force, over the earth. Each land in turn is the seat of foreign missionary labor. The methods by which the Gospel secures its foothold are substantially the same everywhere. Among them we find open-air preaching practically universal and seemingly indispensable. It almost might
Open-Air Preaching: 3 - In the Reformation of the Church
      Ever since the establishment of the Church there have been men protesting against the error, corruption, or coldness which from time to time have crept into it. They have all been intense and determined men bent on a purpose and caring little where they preached if only the desired end was attained. It is not surprising, therefore, to find most of
Open-Air Preaching: 4 - In the Normal Life of the Church
      To Christians generally the most interesting and practical question is concerning the place of open-air preaching in the normal life of the Church in Protestant lands. Its effectiveness during the critical periods of the past, and in heathen lands today, may compel respect without convincing us that it possesses any value for us. The past supplies
Open-Air Preaching: 5 - The More of It, the Better!
      "The more of it the better. The more of it the better, the whole world around." These inspiring words of the great preacher, who has since passed from the scene of his earthly labors, lead naturally from a consideration of what has been to what should be. Little, comparatively, is being done. Preaching in the open air might be increased a thousandf
Open-Air Preaching: 6 - As A Factor in City Evangelization
      Greatness has been thrust upon our cities, at first delighting and then alarming us. To-day earnest men in every sphere of life are wrestling with the new and perplexing problems created by this rapid growth. The church has her share, and among them is the problem of city evangelization. Large numbers of people are away from all visible religious i
Open-Air Preaching: 7 - Who Will Go For Us?
      "And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 'Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?'" If Christ were here in visible presence, as eighteen centuries ago, He surely, as then, would be found going to the people in their houses of worship, at their social gatherings, on the hillsides, by the seashore, and in the streets. Who will go for Him? Plenty
Open-Air Preaching: 8 - The Best Methods
      I have thus far emphasized the prominence given to open-air preaching in the past and present, especially in Great Britain, and the various forms in which it is used. The following suggestions as to the best methods to be employed are not based simply on my own experience, but also and mainly on the experience of others, as narrated in the reports

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