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Martin Knapp

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What Is Meant By It
       We mean by it the act of soul-healing and soul-toning which Jesus has provided for all believers. It is often alluded to in the Word in the following and their related terms: Deadness to sin. "Likewise reckon ye yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord." (Rom. 6:11.) "Knowing this, that ou

What It Is Not
       It is not bodily healing. Valuable as physical health is, spiritual health is much more so. Many have the "Double Cure" which have not sound bodies, and many have sound bodies who are leagues from any spiritual cure. While the Double Cure does not antagonize faith healing as taught in the Bible, yet it treats a loftier theme. It i

       The Double Cure not only cleanses the heart from all sin and fills it with perfect love, but also emancipates the tongue. Hence, all who have received it, divinely taught, proclaim its worth and magnify its Author. In order that by worthy witnesses the truths of the foregoing pages may be established, we invite the reader to listen to the

"I Come Quickly."
       The Divine Authority of Revelation. -- No other book in the Bible presents so strong claims of inspiration as this, and yet no other has been so questioned. The following are doubtless some of the reasons why Satan has so persistently sought to shroud it with so many doubts and false interpretations: 1. From beginning to end it magnifie

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