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W.B. Dunkum

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Hot Potatoes With Jackets On (Part 1)
      Factions speak louder than words, some people have enough religion to make them miserable when they should have enough salvation to make them happy. Excuse makers get in full time; they work seven days a week, never stop for flu epidemic, political campaign, or the scarcity of finance. Wall Street may fail to function, yet they are busy day and

Hot Potatoes With Jackets On (Part 2)
      When you come to get sanctified, bring your birth certificate along and you can take Holiness along with you when you leave. The longer the preachers preach after nine o'clock at night, the more restless the crowd becomes and the fewer results there are around the altar. Let us not fish up the small branches, but stick to the main stream and ab

Life Of Paul
      The Sacred scriptures give us an accurate account of the life, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ; also, a beautiful description of the descent of the Holy Ghost at Pentecost upon the apostles before Saul of Tarsus is mentioned. He is first introduced to us as a persecutor of those who followed the Christ; also, we see him assisting

       Blessed is the man that endureth temptation; for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love Him." Jas. 1:12. A subject of very great significance and of tremendous importance to every Bible Christian. This is a subject about which we should have practical knowledge and wholesome inform

The Future Life - A Sermon - "The Home of the Soul"
      Lift up your heads, ye weary Pilgrims of earth, and behold the homeland of the soul which is almost in sight. The upturned eye, the expression of the face, the rapidity of your pace proves logically that you are seeking a country. Then forward, Brother Pilgrim, till we commune together in that happy home, and refresh ourselves with realities in a h

The Future Life - Facts About Heaven
      I. Heaven is a state. To be right with God is to be in a heavenly state. The Kingdom of God is within you; which is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. In joy or sadness, sorrow or pain, storm or calm, health or sickness, adversity or prosperity, with friends, or friendless, in life or death, if we have Jesus we have a foretaste of wh

The Future Life - Occupation of Heaven
       Heaven was made for man and man for heaven. When man passes into that glorious home, he will be surrounded by holy and heavenly beings. Peace, joy, and satisfaction will abound with its immeasurable blessedness and an eternal weight of glory. The prominent characteristic of heaven will be that of praise. They rest not day or night but say holy

The Future Life - Personal Recognition in Heaven
      The composition of our individuality symbolizes two worlds. Our body represents the present world composed of earthly elements. Our soul represents the spiritual world to which it will return when God calls for it. Heavenly recognition is based on reason and revelation. I. Reasons for heavenly recognition. 1. Death is only a physical exp

The Future Life - The Future Life Immortality
      Does death end all? Is there a life beyond? Can we obtain any reliable information about it? These are questions of the greatest importance and the deepest interest. They lie at the foundation of all religion. They have aroused the interest and attention of the wisest and best of mankind in every age. A belief in this doctrine is a powerful incenti

The Future Life - "The Home of the Soul"
      Time is probationary and as long as we are in time we are on probation. As long as we are on probation there is a tendency to neglect preparation for the great hereafter. Just now we are floating down the stream of time, but only a matter of time until we will plunge into the ocean of eternity. You, who are going down the slope of life, be enco

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