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Roy Hession

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Be filled and be filled now!
      'And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit; Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ; Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear

Four attitudes to the Holy Spirit
      HAVING seen the place and function of the Holy Spirit among the people of God, we are in a position to ask ourselves what is our attitude to Him; are we allowing Him to do His work of conviction and revealing Jesus to us as all we need? The New Testament tells us that there are four possible attitudes that we may take up towards Him. The first i

Now�not tomorrow
      'BE filled-Now' is more than the title of this small book. It actually summarises in three words the heart of the message of grace to which these chapters lead. It is not, be filled tomorrow, when we hope we shall have improved, but be filled now in the midst of our failure and current need-as we are, where we are. And after this now, the next no

The Consequences of the Spirit's Fulness
      HAVING considered the Apostle's word, 'Be filled with the Spirit', we must now pass on to consider the rest of the passage, which goes on to describe the filling of the Spirit as to its consequences. The results are delineated in detail, but they are not the results sometimes associated in our minds with the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Nothing

The Holy Spirit a Person
      THIS chapter-will be a short one and will cover ground which every instructed Christian should know. But it is necessary for us to lay the foundation first of all, so that we can begin together. The Holy Spirit is not to be regarded merely as an influence. He is a Person, the third Person of the Trinity, as much a Person as God the Father and Go

The Holy Spirit the Advocate of the Lord Jesus
      WE may now turn to consider what is the function or work of the Holy Spirit here on earth. The Lord Jesus referred to Him on a number of occasions as 'the Comforter' (John 14. 16, 26; 15. 26) and told the disciples that it was expedient that He, the Lord Jesus, should go away, for otherwise the Comforter would not come unto them (John 16. 7).

The Holy Spirit the Comforter
      HAVING seen the Holy Spirit as the convicter of those who sin, we now need to see Him as the Comforter of those who repent. The moment the Spirit succeeds in breaking us in repentance, the whole direction of His ministry seems to change-it is directed wholly to comforting the now contrite one and encouraging him to find everything in Christ. To a p

The Holy Spirit the Convicter
      FOR simplicity's sake we can divide the Holy Spirit's work as the Advocate of the Lord Jesus into two. First of all, He comes to reprove or convict us of sin and bring us to repentance. Jesus said, 'When he is come, he will reprove the world of sin ... because they believe not on me' (John 16. 8-9). Three times in the well-known chapters in

The Power Of The Blood Of The Lamb
      The message and challenge of revival, which is coming to many of us these days, is searching in its utter simplicity. It is simply that there is only one thing in the world that can hinder the Christian's walking in victorious fellowship with God and his being filled with the Holy Spirit - and that is sin in one form or another. There is only one

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