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William Taylor

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Evidences of Eternal Life (book review)
      Modern evangelical churches today boast higher memberships then ever before in the history of the church. Local congregations with numbers exceeding a thousand are not uncommon. New publishing companies, record labels, conventions and endless businesses sporting a little fish on their logo have become so familiar that even the world has begun to mi

      I. DO I HEAR YOU SAY IT IS A DEGRADATION OF MINISTERIAL DIGNITY? I reply: Any minister of the Gospel, whose "ministerial dignity" depends, for its elevation and support, upon the sacredness of a consecrated pulpit, is not, I confess, a suitable person for a street preacher. A preacher, to succeed in the streets, must be dignified by a special

      William Taylor was a Methodist in the California Conference in the mid-1800's. Although published in 1867, this article speaks to our generation. Mr. Taylor spoke about cultural refinement, secular education, the negative effects of immigration, the apathy of the churches, and other topics that apply today. The book from which this chapter is take

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