A General Epistle To Friends A General Epistle To Friends, 1655
Friends, whom the Lord God hath called unto the light which is eternal, which the Lord God has sent, to bring His seed out of bondage, and out of the house of darkness, from under Pharaoh, and his task-masters, which has so long been held under the dark power and mystery of iniquity. The Lord God of life and po ...read
An Epistle to Convinced Friends An Epistle To Convinced Friends, In 1656.
Dear Friends, brethren and sisters in the eternal light, by which we are gathered, which is or teacher and leader: which light cometh from our Lord Jesus Christ, the Captain of our salvation, in whom is life, and this life is the light of men; who has laid down His life for sheep, and who gives unto His ...read
An Epistle to Friends An Epistle To Friends, 1657
Dear Brethren and Sisters, who are gathered in the light of Christ Jesus, the fountain of all light , and life, from whence light comes, from whence life comes, from whence power comes; which redeems out of nations, kindreds, people and tongues, to be kings and priests unto God, to reign with Him upon the earth. This ...read
An Epistle to Friends 2 An Epistle To Friends, 1659
My Dearly Beloved Brethren and Sisters, in the everlasting truth, and eternal love, and power of an endless life, into which we were begotten, and have been nursed up, and kept in, as living stones growing up in the temple of the living God; the same power and arm is present with you, and owns you; therefore keep in i ...read
An Epistle to Friends in Ireland An Epistle To Friends In Ireland, In 1661
My dear love in the Lord God Almighty is upon you all, which never changest, but endures forevermore; which love as it is living in, preserves and keeps to the Lord God and His commandments, laws and statutes; which love is the fulfilling of the whole law of God, and answers to all commands, in thought, ...read
Preface to Margaret Fox's Epistles, Written by Herself Preface To Margaret Fell's Epistles
Written by Herself
Friendly Reader: --
The following epistles were written at the first appearance of truth among us, when we were young in it: the Light of Christ being our first principle, our minds being turned to it, and it having become our teacher, leader, and guider, we saw perfectly that t ...read
Women's Speaking Women's Speaking
Justified, Proved, and Allowed of by the Scriptures, All such as speak by the Spirit and Power of the Lord Jesus.
And how Women were the first that Preached the Tidings of the Resurrection of Jesus, and were sent by Christ's own Command, before he Ascended to the Father, John 20. 17.
Whereas it hath been an Objection in ...read