John William McGarvey was born in Hopkinsville, Kentucky, March 1, 1829. His father was born in Ireland, and, when grown, came to America, and settled at Hopkinsville, Kentucky, where, with a small capital, he went into the dry-goods business.
In April, 1847, J.W. McGarvey entered the Freshman Class of Bethany College. While at college he made the good confession, and was immersed, by Professor PENDLETON, in April, 1848. So soon as he became a Christian, he determined to devote his life to the preaching of the Gospel, and it was not long before he gave very conclusive evidence of fitness for the work. In July, 1850, he graduated as one of the honor men. At the call of the Church in Fayette, Brother M'GARVEY gave up his school, and, in September, 1851, was ordained to the work of the ministry, and afterward preached for the Church at Fayette and neighboring county churches until February, 1853, when he removed to Dover, Lafayette County, Missouri.
He resided at Dover nine years, and, during this period, he spent about half of the time at home, and, the remainder, preaching extensively over the State of Missouri, holding five public debates with various religious parties; he also collected money to erect a boarding-school in his village, and conducted the school two years.
In the spring of 1862, he accepted the pastoral care of the Church in Lexington, Kentucky, where a large field of usefulness was open to him. During the same year he published his " Commentary on Acts," which had occupied all the time he could devote to it for three and a half years. This is a work of decided merit, and at once fixes his reputation as a fine Biblical scholar.
Showing 1 to 8 of 8 items.
A Commentary on Acts of the Apostles - Table of Contents
J. W. M c G A R V E Y.
Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1863, by
In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the U. S. for th
Church Government
The subject assigned me is too large to be set forth in all its bearings in a single lecture; and the controversies in regard to it which have existed for many centuries, have raised so many questions, that to dispose of them all even briefly, would require a volume instead of a lecture. I am not expected to undertake so great a task. The discussio
Grounds on Which we Receive the Bible
In order to free the terms in which our theme is expressed from all apparent ambiguity, and to make perfectly clear its meaning, we commence with a few definitions.
In saying that we receive the Bible as the word of God, we distinguish between the word of God and the words of God. We do not mean that all of its words are words
Preachers' Methods
THE duties of preachers are usually well known. They lie on the very surface of the New Testament, and the preacher who does not know them is without excuse. But the best methods of discharging these duties are not so well known. They are not so easily learned, and but few of them are taught in the Scriptures.
There are two ways of learning meth
Redemption in Christ
"In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace; wherein He hath abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence."--EPH. I: 7, 8.
ANNOUNCED, last Lord's day, that in continuation of the connected series of discourses, my subject this morning would be Redemption from Sin, in Christ Jesus
The Indwelling Spirit
The apostle Peter, in his sermon at the great Pentecost, promised his hearers the gift of the Holy Spirit on the condition that they would repent and be baptized; and he added, "The promise is to you and your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call to him." This is a universal promise to Christians of eve
The Prints of the Nails
There is a very beautiful and touching hymn the chorus of which terminates with the words, "I shall know Him by the prints of the nails in his hands." The author seems to have conceived that when she enters heaven she will see before her a great host of glorified beings, among whom she may not readily distinguish her Saviour. The thought seemingly
The Witness of the Spirit
"The Spirit itself bears witness with our spirit, that we are children of God."--ROM. viii: 16.
In order to our eternal happiness, we must become children of God. In order to our happiness in time, we must know that we are such. He who is in doubt on this subject, must be not less unhappy than he who knows he is not a child of God. Indeed, the