Alexander Russell Main was born in Dumbartonshire, Scotland, in 1876. His parents were attached to the Presbyterian Church. He was educated in the public school, and then attended special classes at the Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College. After these studies he became a pupil teacher in the public school at Cumbernauld, Scotland. Coming to Victoria with his father, he settled in Drummond, one of our country towns, and became a member of the Church of Christ in 1893.
In February, 1907, the College of the Bible was established, when Bro. H.G. Harward, who had previously been distinguished in evangelistic and church service, was called to be a member of its teaching staff, and shortly afterwards became Principal.
On completion of the University course Bro. Main devoted his abilities to the College of the Bible, and on Lord's days still took church work, as well as a large amount of journalistic duty for the "Australian Christian."
Showing 1 to 3 of 3 items.
A Defender Of The Faith
Alexander Russell Main believed that the greatest task to which a man could devote his strength and ability is found in the Christian church. It was his aim to make clear and simple to young and to old the facts of the gospel. As writer and teacher he sought to unfold the way of life
The Centrality of Jesus and the Unity of Christians
The keyword of this Conference of Churches of Christ has been "Unity." The purpose of our gathering has been the exaltation of Christ and the promotion of His cause. We have sought to, give Him the central place in our life and thinking. So, appropriately, in this last service we combine the ideas and consider the subject of "The Centrality of Jesu
Towards the Unity of God's People
WHILE I felt that one who knew better our N.S.W. Baptist brethren and was better known by them might well have been chosen to represent preachers of the Churches of Christ Fraternal, I gladly acceded to the request that I be one of two speakers to deal with the matter of unity as it affects our respective peoples. The themes of the speakers were c