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G.W. Longan
1819 -

      George W. Longan was born in the now defunct town of Chariton, in Chariton county, Mo. His early ministry, and the struggles incident thereto, at that day, may best be described in his own words: "I confessed Christ, and was baptized by Allen Wright, of blessed memory, in June, 1844. I suppose I may say that I began to preach about two years later, though the transition from the leadership of our Lord's day social meetings to the preaching of sermons was so gradual that it would be difficult to fix a precise date.

      Few men among us of equal ability, and so widely known, have confined their labors to so limited a range of territory. His field of labor has been for the most part in South Central Missouri. He spent nine years in Northwest Missouri, serving as pastor at Liberty and Plattsburg. Never has he held a pastorate outside his native State. His articles, however, have given him a wide reputation as a profound and aggressive thinker and a scholarly writer.

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ArticleThe Conditions of the Gospel Reasonable
       "For the Jews ask for a sign from heaven, and the Greeks demand a system of philosophy; but we proclaim a Messiah crucified, to the Jews a stumbling-block, and to the Greeks a folly; but to the called themselves, whether they be Jews or Greeks, Christ, the power of God and the wisdom of God."--1 COR. 1: 23, 24, (CONYBEARE'S TRANS.) Jesus, the

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