Alexander Campbell was born September 12, 1788, in the county of Antrim, Ireland. But though born in Ireland, his ancestors were, on one side, of Scotch origin, and on the other, descended from the Huguenots, in France. A profound reverence for the Word of God, was a marked feature of the character alike of the boy and of the man.
He was not less laborious as a speaker than as a writer. During all these years, he traveled extensively, traversing most of the states of the Union, and visiting Great Britain and Ireland; discoursing everywhere to crowded audiences, on the great themes that occupied his heart, and coming into contact with many of the best minds of the age, from whom, whatever their difference of sentiment, he constantly challenged respect and admiration.
In addition to forty volumes, Mr. Campbell published several other works.
Showing 1 to 2 of 2 items.
Address on War
Ladies and gentlemen, has one Christian nation a right to wage war against another Christian nation?
On propounding to myself, and much more to you, my respected auditors, this momentous question so affecting the reputation and involving the destiny of our own country and that of the Christian world, I confess that I rather shrink from its inve
Sermon Outline on Revelation 20:11
First Public Attempt--Active Labors--Methodical Training--Application to Synod of Pittsburg--Controversy of Truth and Error.
THE "Christian Association," formed for the purposes specified in the "Declaration and Address," had occasioned no small stir in religious circles. Many of the people were pleased with the objects in view, and several mini