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Anna R. Atwater

      Anna Robison Atwater was the fourth one of the five children of Decker D. and Harriet Young Robison. Born on a farm in Bedford, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, May 25, 1859. Her uncle, Dr. J. P. Robison, was a prominent preacher in the early work of the Disciples of Christ in Ohio. In her childhood five families of her mother's family filled as many pews regularly in the old Bedford Church. The children all came into the church before fourteen years of age. She made the confession at thirteen, during the pastorate of Bro. Robert Moffett, in a meeting held by William Baxter.

      Anna graduated in 1882. The next six years she was principal of the high school at Bryan, Ohio. For two years, which were intended for a vacation, she did substitute teaching in Mansfield, Ohio , and some Christian Woman's Board of Missions organizing, returning to Bryan at the end of that time for two more years as high school principal. She was made president of the Ohio Christian Woman's Board of Missions in 1901.

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ExcerptMessages of Missionaries
      Bellefield Church, Tuesday Morning, October 12, 1910 Mrs. Harrison: If anybody ever can be said to have trod the way of the cross, surely it is that noble army of missionaries in our church and in all churches. I think the most interesting item in any service on any program is that in which the missionaries are introduced and give a brief

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