The word "wholesome" is not a bad word with which to characterize the ministry of B. A. Abbott. He has illustrated the value of this quality in the steady progress of the work wherever he has served. This is one reason why he has never been a peripatetic pastor. Artemus Ward said he admired George Washington mainly because "he never slopped over." This can be truly said of Mr. Abbott. He does not "slop over." By genuine, solid work, he carries success forward, fortifying each step as he advances, and by this means makes permanent every victory won, increasing the influence of his ministry year by year.
B. A. Abbott was born in Abbott, Craig County, Virginia, January 26, 1866. His grandfather, Phillip B. Williams, was one of the earliest ministers of the Christian church and a pioneer in that section.
He was educated in the public schools of Virginia, at Milligan College, Tennessee, and at the University of Virginia.
Was pastor of three country churches: Pembroke, Spruce Run and Clover Hollow, in Giles County, Virginia; served one year as District Evangelist for Alleghany Co-operation; taught school at Abbott, Virginia, and Newcastle, Virginia; was pastor of the Christian church at Charlottesville, Virginia, for six years; at Harlem Avenue Christian church, Baltimore, Maryland, for sixteen years; at Union Avenue Christian church, St. Louis, Missouri, seven and a half years.
He has also used his pen somewhat freed, especially in writing for the public journals. While living in Baltimore, he wrote often for the daily press, and since he removed to St. Louis, he has written editorials for several papers, especially for The Christian-Evangelist. He has also shown considerable ability in contributions to the literary department in reviewing books, etc. He is the author of "The Life of Chapman S. Lucas."
However, his chief work has been that of a pastor, and in this he has achieved an honorable success.
As a preacher Mr. Abbott's style is exegetical rather than oratorical, expository rather than topical. He is a faithful teacher of the Divine word, and though liberal in every fiber of his nature, he believes that the safest liberty is in following the Word of God. He is not only a most excellent pastor and preacher, but he is also a wise counsellor and manager of the general affairs of the churches. In a sentence, he is a splendid all-around man, and is deservedly popular throughout the entire Brotherhood.
Recently, Mr. Abbott was appointed editor-in-chief of The Christian-Evangelist, having resigned his pastorate of the Union Avenue church. The Brotherhood, as a whole, is to be congratulated on Mr. Abbott's decision to accept this important post of service.
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Outlook and Appeal
Sixth United Presbyterian Church, Saturday Afternoon, October 16.
If we were to select a text embodying the outlook and appeal, the hopes and prophecies, of the great movement we celebrate to-day, we would find it in these words of Alexander Campbell himself:
"Celebrated as the era of Reformation is, we doubt not but that the era of Restora