Fred Markert is the International Director of YWAM Strategic Frontiers based in Colorado Springs -- one of the divisions of Youth With A Mission which focuses on planting churches that will disciple nations amongst the most desperately needy strategic Unreached People Groups in the 10/40 Window.
Over the past 30 years his apostolic ministry has brought him to about 175 countries of the world - including everything from bible smuggling into Communist countries beginning in 1973, to pioneering the YWAM Urban Missions center in New Orleans, to trailblazing through the Tibetan wilderness preparing the way for new long-term YWAM Strategic Frontiers church-planting teams, to negotiating with high-ranking governmental officials on major projects which provide a platform for undercover missionaries in restricted access countries.
Fred is a graduate of Christ For The Nations in Dallas , TX and is a regular speaker at international conferences and in mega-churches around the world.
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Active Or Passive Lordship
OUR GOD IS A GOD OF CONSTANT ACTION AND ADVENTURE! From Genesis to Revelation we see a God who "neither slumbers nor sleeps."(Ps. 121:4)
Whenever God shows up on the scene things begin to happen - and in a big way! Pillars of fire, parting seas, rivers turning to blood, earthquakes, floods - the Bible has