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Alan Redpath
1907 - 1989

      Alan Redpath was born January 9, 1907, in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, United Kingdom, the only son of James and Christina Redpath. He attended high school at Durham School and trained as a chartered accountant in Newcastle, qualifying in 1928. From graduation year until 1935, Redpath was the chartered accountant with Imperial Chemical Industries and the following year, 1936, he joined National Young Life Campaign as an evangelist, a position he filled until May 1940. In that month, he was called to be pastor of Duke Street Baptist Church, Richmond, London, and he remained with that church until 1953, when he came to the United States as pastor of Moody Memorial Church in Chicago. He served in this position between 1953 and 1962. While at Moody Church, Houghton College awarded Redpath an honorary D.D. degree in 1961.

      From Moody, Redpath returned to the British Isles in 1962 to become pastor of Charlotte Baptist Chapel, Edinburgh, Scotland, and he remained with the church until 1966. In that year, he began an itinerant conference and missionary ministry. In 1955, Redpath was elected President of Unevangelized Fields Mission in the United Kingdom. Fourteen years later, in 1969, he became Field Representative for Capernwray Missionary Fellowship and in 1975 Pastoral Dean of Capernwray Bible School. He was still serving in all three capacities in 1983.

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ExcerptConformed to Image of Christ
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ExcerptTreasure in Earthen Vessels
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ExcerptWho has Seen Him?
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