John A. Witmer is Associate Professor Emeritus of Systematic Theology, at Dallas Theological Seminary. He received masters degrees at Wheaton College and Dallas Theological Seminary, where he also received his doctorate and was ordained in the Evangelical United Brethren Church.
Dr. Witmer is well known as author of numerous Sunday School lessons for youth and adults, and for his extensive contributions to Christianity Today, Gospel Herald, Moody Magazine, and Kindred Spirit. He and his wife, Dorris, reside in Dallas, Texas.
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What Think Ye of Christ?
Christianity Is Christ is the title of a handbook by W. H. Griffith Thomas written almost half a century ago on what he called "the central subject of Christianity--the Person and Work of Christ." The affirmation of his title and his statement is true. Whatever else may be involved by way of tenets of faith or canons of conduct, the essence of Chri