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Benjamin B. Warfield

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ArticleEntire Sanctification
      "And the God of peace himself sanctify you wholly; and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved entire without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is he that calleth you, who will also do it." (1 Thess. 5:23-24) THERE is no feature of Christianity more strongly emphasized by those to whom its establishment in the world w
ArticleFaith and Life
      A recent writer opens his book with the words: "The present generation is impatient of theological distinctions." He lets the cat out of the bag when he begins the next paragraph with the words: "There is a good deal of common sense in this reaction against the theological hairsplitting of former times." He has, perhaps not unnaturally, mistaken hi
ArticleGod's Providence Over All
      "We cannot be robbed of God's providence." This was one of the sayings current in the household of Thomas Carlyle, apparently much on the lips of that brilliant woman, Jane Welsh Carlyle. In it, the plummet is let down to the bottom of the Christian's confidence and hope. It is because we cannot be robbed of God's providence that we know, amid what
ArticleGod-Inspired Scripture
      The phrase, "Given by inspiration of God," or "Inspired of God," occurs, as is well-known, but once in the New Testament--in the classical passage, to wit, II Tim. iii. 16, which is rendered in the Authorized Version, "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God," and by the Revised Version, "Every Scripture inspired of God is, etc." The Greek wor
ArticleHeresy and Concession
      In Dr. G. P. Fisher's recently issued History of Christian Doctrine there is a very suggestive passage in which he tells us how heresies usually originate, and gives us an insight into their nature. He says: When Christianity is brought into contact with modes of thought and tenets originating elsewhere, either of two effects may follow. It may
SermonIncarnate Truth
       "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us full of ... truth" (John 1:14). The obvious resemblance between the prologue to John's Gospel and the proem of Genesis is not a matter of mere phraseology and external form. As the one, in the brief compass of a few verses, paints the whole history of the creation of a universe with a vividness
      The terms "inspiration" and "inspired" are used in English with great latitude of meaning, and this latitude is reflected to some extent in their usage in the English Bible. They occur, however, only twice in the English Bible, and in both cases in a religious sense (Job xxxii. 8; 2 Tim. iii. 16). In the former passage the word is used loosely to g
PamphletJohn Calvin the Theologian
      The subject of this address is "John Calvin the Theologian," and I take it that what will be expected of me is to convey some idea of what manner of theologian John Calvin was, and of his quality as a theological thinker. I am afraid I shall have to ask you at the outset to disabuse your minds of a very common impression, namely, that Calvin's c
ArticleJustification by Faith, Out of Date?
      Sometimes we are told that Justification by Faith is "out of date." That would be a pity, if it were true. What it would mean would be that the way of salvation was closed and "no thoroughfare" nailed up over the barriers. There is no justification for sinful men except by faith. The works of a sinful man will, of course, be as sinful as he is, and
ArticleMiracles of Rome
      It would be natural to suppose that the superstitions which flourished luxuriantly in the Middle Ages would be unable to sustain themselves in the clearer atmosphere of the twentieth century. "We shall have no repetition of mediaeval miracles," says W.F. Cobb with some show of conviction, "for the simple reason that faith in God has ousted credulit
ArticleMysticism and Christianity
      RELIGION is, shortly, the reaction of the human soul in the presence of God. As God is as much a part of the environment of man as the earth on which he stands, no man can escape from religion any more than he can escape from gravitation. But though every man necessarily reacts to God, men react of course diversely, each according to his nature, or
ArticleOur Seminary Curriculum
      Much of the confusion into which opinion as to the proper curriculum of a theological seminary is apparently drifting, seems to arise from altering, or perhaps we would better say varying, conceptions of the functions of the ministry for which the theological seminary is intended to provide a training. A low view of the functions of the ministry wi
      by A.A. Hodge; revised by B.B. Warfield Regeneration (from Lat. re-, again + generare, beget) is a theological term used to express the initial stage of the change experienced by one who enters upon the Christian life. It is derived from the New Testament, where the "new birth" (1 Pet. i. 3, 23; Titus iii. 5; John iii. 3 f.) is the beginning of
      by A.A. Hodge; revised by B.B. Warfield Sanctification (from Lat. sanctificatio [deriv. of sanctificare, sanctify; sanctus, holy; facere, make], trans. of Gr. agiazein, hallow, make holy, deriv. of agioss, holy) is the work of God's grace by which those who believe in Christ are freed from sin and built up in holiness. In Protestant theology it
ArticleSome Thoughts on Predestination
      A great man of the last generation began the preface of a splendid little book he was writing on this subject, with the words: "Happy would it be for the church of Christ and for the world, if Christian ministers and Christian people could be content to be disciples-learners." He meant to intimate that if only we were all willing to sit simply at t
ArticleThe Authority and Inspiration of the Scriptures
      Christianity is often called a book-religion. It would be more exact to say that it is a religion which has a book. Its foundations are laid in apostles and prophets, upon which its courses are built up in the sanctified lives of men; but Christ Jesus alone is its chief cornerstone. He is its only basis; he, its only head; and he alone has authorit
ArticleThe Biblical Doctrine of the Trinity
      The term "Trinity" is not a Biblical term, and we are not using Biblical language when we define what is expressed by it as the doctrine that there is one only and true God, but in the unity of the Godhead there are three coeternal and coequal Persons, the same in substance but distinct in subsistence. A doctrine so defined can be spoken of as a Bi
ArticleThe Cessation of the Charismata
      WHEN OUR Lord came down to earth He drew heaven with Him. The signs which accompanied His ministry were but the trailing clouds of glory which He brought from heaven, which is His home. The number of the miracles which He wrought may easily be underrated. It has been said that in effect He banished disease and death from Palestine for the three yea
ArticleThe Christ that Paul Preached
      "THE monumental Introduction of the Epistle to the Romans"--it is thus that W. Bousset speaks of the seven opening verses of the Epistle--is, from the formal point of view, merely the Address of the Epistle. In primary purpose and fundamental structure it does not differ from the Addresses of Paul's other Epistles. But even in the Addresses of his
ArticleThe Divine and Human in the Bible
      There is probably no problem more prominently before the minds of Bible students of today than the one which concerns the relation between the divine and human elements in the Bible. Recent discussion of the authenticity, authorship, integrity, structure of the several Biblical hooks, has called men's attention, as possibly it has never before been

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