Rev. Schwertley is a 1984 graduate of Reformed Episcopal Seminary, Philadelphia, PA, with a Master of Divinity. Beginning in 1995 he served as Associate Pastor-elect for Church Planting at the Southfield Reformed Presbyterian Church in Southfield, MI. and was ordained as Teaching Elder by the Great Lakes-Gulf Presbytery of the RPCNA in 1996. He labored as a church planter in the Reformation Fellowship (RPCNA) Mission Church, Lansing, MI, from 1995-2000.
Brian has authored a number of scholarly books and monographs. During this time he started several local outreaches. He has been a guest preacher at over a dozen RPCNA and other reformed churches across the country.
Showing 1 to 2 of 2 items.
The Biblical Doctrine of Hell Examined
The doctrine of eternal punishment is probably the most unpopular, hated and feared teaching in the entire Bible. The thought of people burning in hell for eternity is most repugnant to the human mind. "It is a doctrine which the natural heart revolts from and struggles against, and to which it submits only under stress of authority. The church bel
The Necessity of Sanctification: A Brief Refutation of the Carnal Christian Heresy
Throughout its history the church has been plagued with two heretical teachings regarding sanctification. One error confounds justification with sanctification and thus makes salvation dependent upon faith in Christ and good works. This is the heresy of legalism. This teaching in various forms is found throughout church history: the Judaizers of Pa