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Richard Baxter

      Richard Baxter was ordained into the Church of England, 1638, but in two years allied with Puritans opposed to the episcopacy of his church. At Kidderminster (1641-60) he made the church a model parish. The church was enlarged to hold the crowds. Pastoral counseling was as important as preaching, and his program for his parish was a pattern for many other ministers. Baxter played an ameliorative role during the English Civil Wars.

      He was a chaplain in the parliamentary army but then helped to restore the king (1660). After the establishment of the monarchy, he fought for toleration of moderate dissent in the Church of England. Persecuted for more than 20 years and was imprisoned (1685) for 18 months, the Revolution of 1688, replacing James II with William and Mary, brought about an Act of Toleration that freed Baxter to express his opinions.

Showing 1 to 20 of 37 items.


SermonA Call to the Unconverted to Turn and Live 1: A Short Account Of The Author
      A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE AUTHOR; AND The great Success which attended the CALL when first published. IT may be proper to prefix an account of this book given by Mr. Baxter himself, which was found in his study after his death, in his own words: "I published a short treatise on conversion, intitled, A Call to the Unconverted. The occasion of thi
A Call to the Unconverted to Turn and Live 2: Preface
      To all unsanctified Persons that shall read this Book; especially of my Hearers in the Borough and Parish of Kiaderminster. Men and Brethren, THE eternal God, that made you for a life everlasting, and hath redeemed you by his only Son, when you had lost it and yourselves, being mindful of you in your sin and misery, bath indited the gospel, a
A Call to the Unconverted to Turn and Live 3: Sermon 1
      Ezek. xxxiii. 11. Say to them, As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn ye, turn ye, from your evil ways, for, why will ye die, O house of Israel? IT hath been the astonishing wonder of many a man, as well as me, to read in the holy Scripture, how few wi
A Call to the Unconverted to Turn and Live 4: Sermon 2
      Ezek. xxxiii. 11. Say to them, As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn ye, turn ye, from your evil ways, for, why will ye die, O house of Israel? A TRUE description of those who are in a converted state has already been given you; the change which conve
A Call to the Unconverted to Turn and Live 5: Sermon 3
      Ezek. xxxiii. 11. Say to them, As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn ye, turn ye, from your evil ways, for, why will ye die, O house of Israel? IT has been explained, and proved, that God taketh pleasure in men's conversion and salvation, but not in t
SermonDirections For A Peaceful Death
      Comfort is not desirable only as it pleases us, but also as it strengthens us, and helps us in our greatest duties. And when is it more needful than in sickness, and the approach of death? I shall therefore add such directions as are necessary to make our departure comfortable or peaceful at the least, as well as safe. Direction I Because I w
ExcerptDirections For Grief At The Death Of Friends
      Direct. IX. Be neither unnaturally senseless at the death of friends, nor excessively dejected or afflicted. To make light of the death of relations and friends, be they good or bad, is a sign of a very vicious nature; that is so much selfish, as not much to regard the lives of others: and he that regards not the lives of his friends is little to b
ArticleMinisters Of Love
      THE dominion of love in the hearts of Christians, appearing in all the course of their lives, doth much glorify God and their religion.--I mean a common hearty love to all men, and a special love to holy men, according to their various degrees of loveliness. Love is a thing so agreeable to right reason, and to sociable nature, and to the common int
ExcerptOn Sin
      Labour clearly to understand the evil of sin, both intrinsical in itself, and its aggravations and effects. When you have found out where it is, and wherein it doth consist, find out the malignity and odiousness of it. I have heard some Christians complain that they read much to show them the evil of sin in its effects, but meet with few that show
SermonThe Causes and Danger of Slighting Christ and His Gospel
       PREFACE THE Substance of the following Pages was first preached in the Parish Church at Kidderminster in the Course of the Author's stated Ministry. It was afterward preached in one of the largest Parish Churches in London, to an Auditory so much crouded, that one Nobleman was obliged to stand all the Time; and two others returned back, becaus
ExcerptThe Need of Personal Revival
      I know not what others think, but for my own part I am ashamed of my stupidity, and wonder at myself that I deal not with my own and others souls as one that looks for the great day of the Lord; and that I can have room for almost any other thoughts and words; and that such astonishing matters do not wholly absorb my mind. I marvel how I can preach
BookThe Reformed Pastor 1: Preface By William Brown
      Of this work as published by the Author, the following was the title: 'Gildas Salvianus: The Reformed Pastor, showing the nature of the Pastoral work; especially in Private Instruction and Catechizing; with an open CONFESSION of our too open SINS: Prepared for a Day of Humiliation kept at Worcester, December 4, 1655, by the Ministers of that County
The Reformed Pastor 2: Dedication By Richard Baxter
      To my reverend and dearly beloved brethren, the faithful ministers of Christ, in Britain and Ireland, Grace and Peace in Jesus Christ be increased. The subject of this treatise so nearly concerns yourselves, and the churches committed to your care, that it emboldens me to this address, notwithstanding the imperfections in the manner of handling
The Reformed Pastor 3: Introductory Note
      Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. Acts 20.28 Though some think that Paul's exhortation to these elders doth prove him their ruler, we who are this day to speak to you from the Lord, hope that we m
The Reformed Pastor 4: Chapter 1, The Oversight Of Ourselves
      SECTION 1 -- THE NATURE OF THIS OVERSIGHT Let us consider, what it is to take heed to ourselves. 1. See that the work of saving grace be thoroughly wrought in your own souls. Take heed to yourselves, lest you be void of that saving grace of God which you offer to others, and be strangers to the effectual working of that gospel which you preac
The Reformed Pastor 5: Chapter 2, The Oversight Of The Flock
      SECTION 1 -- THE NATURE OF THIS OVERSIGHT Having showed you, What it is to take heed to ourselves, I am to show you, next, What it is to take heed to all the flock. It was first necessary to take into consideration, what we must be, and what we must do for our own souls, before we come to that which must be done for others: 'He cannot succeed
The Reformed Pastor 6: Chapter 3, Application
      Reverend and dear brethren, our business here this day is to humble our souls before the Lord for our past negligence, and to implore God's assistance in our work for the time to come. Indeed, we can scarcely expect the latter without the former. If God will help us in our future duty, he will first humble us for our past sin. He that hath not so m
BookThe Saints' Everlasting Rest 1: The Nature of the Saints' Rest
      From heaven's height the soul surveys the Promised Land. Looking back on earth, the soul views the dreary wilderness through which it passed. To stand on Mount Memory, comparing heaven with earth, fills the soul with unimaginable gratitude, and makes it exclaim: "Is this the inheritance that cost so much as the blood of Christ? No wonder! O bles
The Saints' Everlasting Rest 2: The Hallway to the Saints' Rest
      The hallway to heaven is not barricaded anymore. The flaming sword no longer bars the passage to Paradise, for Christ has provided the way in. The porch of this temple is magnificent, and the gate of it is called "Beautiful." Here are the four corners of this porch of Paradise. 1. The Second Coming of Christ For our sake Christ came into the
The Saints' Everlasting Rest 3: The Splendor of the Saints' Rest
      Let us draw a little nearer and see the splendor of this heavenly rest. The Lord cover us with His gentle grace while we approach to take this view. What an honor is this rest. It is called the purchased possession because Christ bought it for us with His sacrifice. As we write down the price our purchases cost us, so let us write down the price

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