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Whitmore Winslow

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Gems written at the age of 14
      The Hidden Life Gleanings from the journal of Whitmore Winslow written at the age of 14. His journal, which was previously unknown to his family, was found among his papers after his unexpected death, at the age of 21. He died in 1856, and was the son of Octavius Winslow. How frail the thread! How short is time, and what a smal

Gems written at the age of 15
      The Hidden Life Gleanings from the journal of Whitmore Winslow written at the age of 15. His journal, which was previously unknown to his family, was found among his papers after his unexpected death, at the age of 21. He died in 1856, and was the son of Octavius Winslow. A picture repulsive to every refined feeling. Truly do

Gems written at the age of 16 - 18
      The Hidden Life Gleanings from the journal of Whitmore Winslow written at the age of 16 to 18. His journal, which was previously unknown to his family, was found among his papers after his unexpected death, at the age of 21. He died in 1856, and was the son of Octavius Winslow. When He afflicts, it is only out of kindness Sweet

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