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C.H. Makintosh

      Charles Henry Mackintosh (1820-1896) was an Irish preacher, Bible expositor, and author. Active in the Irish Revival of 1859-1860. His first tract, in 1843, was "The Peace of God," and his last, shortly before his death in 1896, was "The God of Peace." Generally known as C.H.M., was one of the gifted writers of the Plymouth Brethren, so-called.

      He was schoolmaster at Westport, County Mayo, Ireland, for a few years. But for the greater part of his life he devoted himself to evangelism and pastoral ministry as well as to religious journalism, as editor of the monthly periodical Things New and Old; and to religious literature. He was the author of the Notes by C. H. M, on all the books of the Pentateuch, which enjoyed great popularity, being sold in enormous quantity, especially in the United States.

Showing 1 to 8 of 8 items.


ArticleA Great Gap
      Daniel 9:20-27. The reader who has traveled in company with us through the various branches of our subject (The Lord's Coming) will remember a cursory reference to what we ventured to call "an unnoticed interval - break - or parenthesis" in the dealings of God with Israel and with the earth. This is a point of the deepest interest; and we hope to
ArticleA Motto for the Evangelist
      2 Corinthians 10:16. "To preach the gospel in the regions beyond you". These words, while they set forth the large-heartedness of the self-denying and devoted apostle, do also furnish a fine model for the evangelist, in every age. The gospel is a traveler; and the preacher of the gospel must be a traveler likewise. The divinely-qualified and div
      We trust it may not be deemed out of place if we venture to offer a word of counsel and encouragement to all who have been and are engaged in the blessed work of preaching the gospel of the grace of God. We are, in some measure, aware of the difficulties and discouragements which attend upon the path of every evangelist, whatever may be his sphere
ArticleGod's Way and How to Find it
       Job 28; Luke 11: 34-36 "There is a path which no fowl knoweth, and which the vulture's eye hath not seen: the lion's whelps have not trodden it, nor the fierce lion passed by it." What an unspeakable mercy for one who really desires to walk with God, to know that there is a way for him to walk in! God has prepared a pathway for His redeemed i
LetterLetters To An Evangelist
       Letter 1 Dearest A, I have been much interested and I trust profited, of late, by tracing through the Gospels and the Acts, the various notices of the work of evangelization; and it has occurred to me that it may not be amiss to present to you, as one much occupied in the blessed work, a few of the thoughts that have suggested themselves to
ArticleSanctification: What Is It?
      To minister peace and comfort to those who, though truly converted, have not laid hold of a full Christ, and who, as a consequence, are not enjoying the liberty of the Gospel, is the object we have in view in considering the important and deeply-interesting subject of sanctification. We believe that very many of those whose spiritual welfare we des
ArticleThe Alabaster Box
      It is very needful to bear in mind, in this day of busy doing and restless activity, that God looks at everything from one stand point, measures everything by one rule, tries everything by one touchstone, and that touchstone, that rule, that standpoint is Christ. He values things just so far as they stand connected with the Son of His love, and no
The Olivet Discourse - Table of Contents
      Matthew 24:1-44 forms a part of one of the most profound and comprehensive discourses that ever fell on human ears - a discourse which takes in, in its marvelous sweep, the destiny of the Jewish remnant; the history of Christendom; and the judgment of the nations. Let us first look at the Jewish remnant. In order to understand Matthew 24:1-44,

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