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The Bible on the Tongues Doctrine

By Arthur Vess

Table of Contents

   INTRODUCTION - If the writer of these lines ever felt directed and inspired to write a treatise on any subject, it is on the subject now before us, "The bible on the
   1. SOME GENERAL INFORMATION - We are here offering a number of general truths which have been gleaned from that marvelous book, "Conversations on the Tongues," by Rev. H. Crockett,
   2. THE DAY OF PENTECOST - The first reference to speaking in tongues is recorded in the Book of Acts on that marvelous, prophetic, and historical day known as The Day of Pentec
   3. PENTECOST REPEATED - We find other occasions on which the Holy Ghost was poured out, and where they spake in other languages. Let us see whether they were known or unknown
   4. THE CONFUSED CORINTHIAN CHURCH - Anyone with ordinary understanding can see at once that the great Apostle Paul was trying to correct an error, and to clear up the confused minds of t
   5. PAUL'S INSTRUCTION TO THE CORINTHIANS ON SPIRITUAL GIFTS - (I Corinthians Chapter 12) The Apostle begins his instructions and exhortations in a very kindly and sympathetic manner, fully conscious of their lac
   6. THE MORE EXCELLENT WAY - Before analyzing and applying the truth contained in this great chapter -- First Corinthians thirteen -- let us give you a brief outline of the chapte
   7. BRIEF REVIEW OF CHAPTER FOURTEEN - 1. Love is to be our main pursuit and governing principle: "Follow after LOVE." Love is the fountain source of all Christian experience, as in Chapt
   8. TONGUES AS AN EVIDENCE - The idea that speaking in tongues is the evidence that the speaker has the Holy Ghost is a most unscriptural and unreasonable claim. All will admit th
   9. NO THIRD WORK OF GRACE - Those who teach that three works of grace are necessary, if we are to have a complete salvation in this life, violate both reason and the Scripture in
   10. WHY THEIR INCREASED NUMBERS? - If the Tongues Movement is false, why does it grow so rapidly? The question answers itself: They grow because they are false. "False prophets shall ri

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