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The Possibilities of Prayer

By E.M. Bounds

Table of Contents

   1: The Possibilities of Prayer: 1: The Ministry of Prayer - THE ministry of prayer has been the peculiar distinction of all of God's saints. This has been the secret of their power. The energy and the soul of t
   2: The Possibilities of Prayer: 2: Prayer and the Promises - WITHOUT the promise prayer is eccentric and baseless. Without prayer, the promise is dim, voiceless, shadowy, and impersonal. The promise makes prayer
   3: The Possibilities of Prayer: 3: Prayer and the Promises (continued) - THE great promises find their fulfillment along the lines of prayer. They inspire prayer, and through prayer the promises flow out to their full reali
   4: The Possibilities of Prayer: 4: Prayer--Its Possibilities - How vast are the possibilities of prayer! How wide is its reach! What great things are accomplished by this divinely appointed means of grace! It lays
   5: The Possibilities of Prayer: 5: Prayer--Its Possibilities (Continued) 1 - AFTER a comprehensive and cursory view of the possibilities of prayer, as mapped out in what has been said, it is important to descend to particulars,
   6: The Possibilities of Prayer: 6: Prayer--Its Possibilities (Continued) 2 - THE possibilities of prayer are seen in its results in temporal matters. Prayer reaches to everything which concerns man, whether it be his body, his
   7: The Possibilities of Prayer: 7: Prayer-Its Wide Range - THE possibilities of prayer are gauged by faith in God's ability to do. Faith is the one prime condition by which God works. Faith is the one prime co
   8: The Possibilities of Prayer: 8: Prayer--Facts and History - THE possibilities of prayer are established by the facts and the history of prayer. Facts are stubborn things. Facts are the true things. Theories may
   9: The Possibilities of Prayer: 9: Prayer--Facts and History (Continued) - IT is to the closet Paul directs us to go. The unfailing remedy for all burdensome, distressing care is prayer. The place where the Lord is at hand is
   10: The Possibilities of Prayer: 10: Answered Prayer - IT is answered prayer which brings praying out of the realm of dry, dead things, and makes praying a thing of life and power. It is the answer to pray
   11: The Possibilities of Prayer: 11: Answered Prayer (Continued) 1 - GOD has committed himself to us by his Word in our praying. The Word of God is the basis and the inspiration and the heart of prayer. Jesus Christ sta
   12: The Possibilities of Prayer: 12: Answered Prayer (Continued) 2 - WE put it to the front. We unfold it on a banner never to be lowered or folded, that God does hear and answer prayer. God has always heard and answere
   13: The Possibilities of Prayer: 13: Prayer Miracles - THE earthly career of our Lord Jesus Christ was no mere episode, a sort of interlude, in his eternal life. What he was and what he did on earth was ne
   14: The Possibilities of Prayer: 14: Wonders of God Through Prayer - In the fearful contest in this world between God and the devil, between good and evil, and between heaven and hell, prayer is the mighty force for ove
   15: The Possibilities of Prayer: 15: Prayer and Divine Providence - PRAYER and the divine providence are closely related. They stand in close companionship. They cannot possibly be separated. So closely connected are t
   16: The Possibilities of Prayer: 16: Prayer and Divine Providence (continued) - Two kinds of providences are seen in God's dealings with men, direct providences and permissive providences. God orders some things, others he permits

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