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The Wider Life

By J.R. Miller

Table of Contents

   Chapter 1 - The Wider Life - The Wider Life by J. R. Miller, 1908 Introduction We do not realize half our possibilities. We do not more than begin to possess our inherit
   Chapter 2 - Visions and Dreams - We owe everything that is good and beautiful--to our visions. They lead us ever to higher things. They show us glimpses of character, of attainment, o
   Chapter 3 - Loyalty to Christ - Loyalty to Christ begins in the heart. We must love him supremely. "He who loves father or mother more than me--is not worthy of me; and he who loves
   Chapter 4 - God in our Common Life - We sometimes forget that God has anything to do with the small events of our every-day lives. Men seem to be living a life of their own, without refer
   Chapter 5 - The Things That Are above - "Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your hearts on things above! Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things!" Colossi
   Chapter 6 - The Inner and the Outer Life - We are not merely bodies. There is a life within our body which goes on when the body has ceased to exist. The inner man does not wear out--as the bod
   Chapter 7 - The Print of the Nails - "Unless I see the print of the nails in His hands, and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into His side--I will not believe it." Joh
   Chapter 8 - Influence - One who knew Emerson well said, "There is one quality I noticed in him, as more striking than in anyone else I ever saw--and that was the effect he ha
   Chapter 9 - Is God Always Kind? - The Bible takes especial pains to assure us of the everlastingness of God's love. In one passage, for example, it is declared that while even the moun
   Chapter 10 - Peril in Life's Changes - There is always peril in change. The more suddenly the change comes, and the greater it is, the more is the danger that hurt will result. There is dan
   Chapter 11 - Helping by Prayer - We are taught to pray for others. This is one of life's highest and plainest duties. Paul exhorts that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and than
   Chapter 12 - Being a Comfort to Others - Just after the death of Queen Victoria, this beautiful story was told: She was visiting the wounded soldiers who had been brought back from South Afri
   Chapter 13 - Nevertheless Afterward - Things are not finished--as we see them today. Tomorrow they will appear larger, greater. The bud you see one morning in the garden--will be a full-bl
   Chapter 14 - The School of Life - The business of noble Christian living--is learning. We know nothing when we begin. On the tomb of an English historian is the inscription, "He died l
   Chapter 15 - Words of Life - The words of Christ are not like other men's words. He says that they are spirit and life. In one of his parables, he speaks of his words as seeds. We
   Chapter 16 - Presenting Men Perfect - "That we may present everyone perfect in Christ." Colossians 1:28 We are each others' keeper, in a more serious sense than we think. When a new fri
   Chapter 17 - As I Have Loved You - Jesus called his commandment of love--a new commandment. Why new? There was an old commandment which ran, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself."
   Chapter 18 - The Beauty of Christ - We have no picture of Christ. There are many pictures of him which artists have painted, some of which are wondrously winning. But these are only men'
   Chapter 19 - The Law of Sacrifice - "I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of wor
   Chapter 20 - Learning to Pray - "Lord, teach us to pray!" Luke 11:1 We would say that we do not need to be taught how to pray. Anybody can pray. It is only talking to God, and any

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