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The Essentials of Prayer

By E.M. Bounds

Table of Contents

   1: Prayer Takes In the Whole Man - PRAYER has to do with the entire man. Prayer takes in man in his whole being, mind, soul and body. It takes the whole man to pray, and prayer affects
   2: Prayer and Humility - To be humble is to have a low estimate of one's self. It is to be modest, lowly, with a disposition to seek obscurity. Humility retires itself from th
   3: Prayer and Devotion - DEVOTION has a religious signification. The root of devotion is to devote to a sacred use. So that devotion in its true sense has to do with religious
   4: Prayer, Praise, and Thanksgiving - PRAYER, praise and thanksgiving all go in company. A close relationship exists between them. Praise and thanksgiving are so near alike that it is not
   5: Prayer and Trouble - TROUBLE and prayer are closely related to other. Prayer is of great value to trouble. Trouble often drives men to God in prayer, while prayer is but t
   6: Prayer and Trouble (Continued) - IN the New Testament there are three words used which embrace trouble. These are tribulation, suffering and affliction, words differing somewhat, and
   7: Prayer and God's Work - GOD has a great work on hand in this world. This work is involved in the plan of salvation. It embraces redemption and providence. God is governing th
   8: Prayer and Consecration - WHEN we study the many-sidedness of prayer, we are surprised at the number of things with which it is connected. There is no phase of human life which
   9: Prayer and a Definite Religious Standard - MUCH of the feebleness, barrenness and paucity of religion results from the failure to have a scriptural and reasonable standard in religion, by which
   10: Prayer Born of Compassion - WE speak here more particularly of spiritual compassion, that which is born in a renewed heart, and which finds hospitality there. This compassion has
   11: Concerted Prayer - THE Pious Quesnel says that "God is found in union and agreement. Nothing is more efficacious than this in prayer." Intercessions combine with prayers
   12: The Universality of Prayer - PRAYER is far-reaching in its influence and worldwide in its effects. It affects all men, affects them everywhere, and affects them in all things. It
   13: Prayer and Missions - MISSIONS mean the giving of the gospel to those of Adam's fallen race who have never heard of Christ and his atoning death. It means the giving to oth

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