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Devotional Hours with the Bible, Volume 5

By J.R. Miller

Table of Contents

   Introduction - Devotional Hours with the Bible J. R. Miller, 1911 Volume 5. From the Gospels, on the Life of Christ This eight volume set was published be
   Chapter 1 - The Birth of John the Baptist Foretold - Luke 1:5-23 There was a wonderful preparation of the world for Christ before He came. There was a Jewish expectation of the Messiah. This hope had
   Chapter 2 - The Birth of John the Baptist - Luke 1:57-80 It is a stupendous moment when a great man is born. The birth of few men through the centuries has meant more to the world than John t
   Chapter 3 - The Birth of Jesus - Luke 2:1-20 Not much is told in secular history, about the period in which the event of the birth of Jesus belongs. It is said, however, that there
   Chapter 4 - The Presentation in the Temple - Luke 2:22-39 The first Jewish rite which was observed in the case of a child, was circumcision. Jesus was circumcised. The time was when He was eig
   Chapter 5 - The Wise Men Led by the Star - Matthew 2 Matthew does not tell us much of the infancy of Jesus. There is something very beautiful, however, in the little we have in this first Go
   Chapter 6 - The Boy Jesus in the Temple - Luke 2:40-52 After the presentation in the temple, came the incident of the visit of the Magi, recorded only in the Gospel according to Matthew, fo
   Chapter 7 - The Ministry of John the Baptist - Mark 1:1-8; Luke 3:1-20 Mark's gospel opens with the title of the book, "The beginning of the gospel." It was not a very promising beginning from a
   Chapter 8 - The Baptism and Temptation of Jesus - Mark 1:9-13; Matthew 4:1-11 For thirty years the beautiful life of Jesus had gone on in Nazareth. He differed not from the other children, with who
   Chapter 9 - The Call of the First Disciples - Luke 5:1-11 The scene of this lesson is the Lake of Gennesaret. "Although God has created seven seas," said the rabbis, "yet He has chosen this one
   Chapter 10 - The Paralytic Forgiven and Healed - Mark 2:1-12 Jesus seems to have entered Capernaum quietly, to escape notice. Perhaps He was weary after His incessant labors, and desired to have r
   Chapter 11 - Feasting and Fasting - Mark 2:13-22 The first year of Christ's public ministry--was a year of obscurity. He was not yet well-known. Then, as He spoke and served--His fame
   Chapter 12 - The Use of the Sabbath - Mark 2:23-3:6 One of the most important questions which Christian people have to consider in these days--is that of the proper use of the Lord's Da
   Chapter 13 - The Appointing of the Twelve Apostles - Mark 3:7-19 "Then the Pharisees went out and began to plot with the Herodians how they might kill Jesus. Jesus withdrew with His disciples to the
   Chapter 14 - Poverty and Riches - Luke 6:20-26; 16:19-31 The Beatitudes are glimpses of heaven; that is, the conditions they describe--are qualities which belong to the heavenly lif
   Chapter 15 - The Law of Love - Luke 6:27-38 There is a great similarity between the discourse in Luke--and that given in Matthew. There are also such marked differences that many
   Chapter 16 - Hearing and Doing - Luke 6:39-49 The Sermon on the Mount tells us the kind of people Christians should be. The Beatitudes with which it opens, show us pictures of the
   Chapter 17 - The Penitent Woman - Luke 7:36-50 Jesus did not turn His back on social pleasures. Herein He differed from the Baptist. We are almost certainly right in saying that Joh
   Chapter 18 - Malignant Unbelief - Mark 3:20-35 One of the surest ways to hurt a man's reputation, is to give him a bad name. That was the course the scribes took with Jesus. They co
   Chapter 19 - The Seed in the Four Kinds of Soil - Mark 4:1-20 Christ taught many of His great lessons in parables. He gave to the disciples this reason, "The secret of the kingdom of God has been g
   Chapter 20 - The Growth of the Kingdom - Mark 4:26-32 Jesus loved nature. He saw in it the tokens and expressions of His Father's love and care. It made Him think of His Father. What could
   Chapter 21 - A Troubled Sea and a Troubled Soul - Mark 4:35-5:20 "That day when evening came, He said to His disciples--Let us go over to the other side." There were marked days in the life of Jesu
   Chapter 22 - A Dead Girl and a Sick Woman - Mark 5:21-43 JAIRUS was an important man in Capernaum. He was one of the elders. People looked up to him. He was influential in affairs, perhaps ri
   Chapter 23 - The Visit to Nazareth - Luke 4:16-30 Christ never forgot the place where He had spent His childhood years. We are not given many facts of His life there. Nothing indicates
   Chapter 24 - The Death of John the Baptist - Mark 6:14-29 We have here at the very beginning a serious case of conscience. One would say that Herod was past having such fits of remorse, as his
   Chapter 25 - Feeding of the Five Thousand - Mark 6:30-44 After the tragic death of John the Baptist, his disciples paid loving honor to his body. Their sorrow must have been very great, for t
   Chapter 26 - Mission to the Gentiles - Mark 7:24-30 Much of the public life of Jesus was devoted to caring for sufferers. The doctor's little girl told the messenger where she thought h
   Chapter 27 - Wanderings in Decapolis - Mark 7:31-8:10 The activity of Jesus was intense. He was never in a hurry; for hurry is wasteful of time and strength. It spoils one's work. It hin
   Chapter 28 - The Transfiguration - Mark 9:2-13 The Transfiguration was one of the most remarkable events in our Lord's life. The object, so far as the disciples were concerned, proba
   Chapter 29 - The Child in the Midst - Matthew 18:1-14 Jesus' interest in children appears throughout all the Gospels. It was a strange question which the disciples brought to Jesus, "W
   Chapter 30 - The Two Great Commandments - Mark 12:28-34, 38-44 This scribe admired the way Jesus had answered the questions that were put to Him by His enemies. Jesus always answered well.
   Chapter 31 - The Good Samaritan - Luke 10:25-37 This is one of the great parables which only Luke has preserved for us. If Luke's gospel had not been written, we never would have ha
   Chapter 32 - Jesus Teaching How to Pray - Luke 11:1-13 "One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When He finished, one of His disciples said to Him: Lord, teach us to pray." Our pas
   Chapter 33 - Watchfulness - Luke 12:35-48 Our Lord often taught the lesson of watchfulness. The duty is one which cannot too frequently be impressed. We are all apt to grow ne
   Chapter 34 - Jesus Dines with a Pharisee - Luke 14:1-14 "One Sabbath, when Jesus went to eat in the house of a prominent Pharisee, He was being carefully watched." Our Savior did not refuse
   Chapter 35 - False Excuses - Luke 14:15-24 "A certain man was preparing a great banquet and invited many guests." This supper is a picture of the blessings of redemption. The r
   Chapter 36 - The Parable of the Two Sons - Luke 15:11-32 The world would be very much poorer--if the fifteenth chapter of Luke's gospel had not been written. The whole chapter should be stud
   Chapter 37 - Bartimeus and Zacchaeus - Luke 18:35-19:10 It is said that when a certain French queen was journeying through her country, orders were given that no people in sadness or in
   Chapter 38 - Christ's Trial before Pilate - Mark 15:1-15 We speak of Christ's trial before Pilate. But really, it is Pilate's trial before Christ that is described in our Scripture. The narra
   Chapter 39 - Christ Crucified - Mark 15:22-39 After Pilate had sentenced Jesus, the soldiers crowned Him with thorns, robed Him in purple, and saluted Him in mockery as King of th
   Chapter 40 - The Resurrection of Jesus - Luke 24:1-12 The important question in all that refers to Christianity is, "did Jesus truly rise again?" Paul says that if He did not rise, our fai
   Chapter 41 - The Walk to Emmaus - Luke 24:13-35 Sometime in the afternoon of the day on which Jesus rose, two of His disciples, not apostles--but friends, took a long walk into the
   Chapter 42 - Jesus Ascends into Heaven - Luke 24:36-53 It was in the upper room on the evening of the day on which Jesus arose. The disciples had gathered there, drawn together by their co

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