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On the Gospel by John

By J.G. Bellet

Table of Contents

   Introduction - The four Gospels are coincident testimonies to the Lord Jesus Christ, and valuable as such. But we are not to read them as merely explanatory or suppl
   Chapter 1 - John 1-4 - John 1: 1-18.--I read these verses as a kind of preface, serving to introduce this Gospel in its due character as the Gospel of the Son of God--the So
   Chapter 2 - John 5-7 - HAVING followed our Lord through chapters 1 - 4 of this Gospel, I desire now, in God's grace, to track His further way; and may He, through the Spirit
   Chapter 3 - John 8-12 - John 8.--Thus was it with Israel now. They knew not that they were still in bonds, and needing His hand to lead them out, and feed them again. They kn
   Chapter 4 - John 13 - I HAVE followed the Lord through chapters 1 - 12 of this Gospel, noticing His ways as the Son of God, the Stranger from heaven, the Saviour of sinners
   Chapter 5 - John 14-16 - Having thus passed, in spirit, through the night, and taken His place in the day that lay beyond it, the Lord turns to His disciples, and in these cha
   Chapter 6 - John 17 - After thus comforting them with the knowledge of their standing, as the family of the Father, and, as it were, making gracious amends to them for His
   Chapter 7 - John 18-19 - I HAVE followed this Gospel in its order, down to the close of John 17, having distributed it so far into three principal sections: the first, introdu
   Chapter 8 - John 20 - Accordingly, at the opening of this chapter, we so find it. Jesus has risen, the Bruiser of the serpent; becoming through death the Destroyer of him t
   Chapter 9 - John 21 - Thus have we seen life actually dispensed by the risen Lord to His brethren, and ministry committed to them as such; and we have seen life pledged to

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