›Introduction - The four Gospels are coincident testimonies to the Lord Jesus Christ, and valuable as such. But we are not to read them as merely explanatory or suppl ...read
›Chapter 1 - John 1-4 - John 1: 1-18.--I read these verses as a kind of preface, serving to introduce this Gospel in its due character as the Gospel of the Son of God--the So ...read
›Chapter 2 - John 5-7 - HAVING followed our Lord through chapters 1 - 4 of this Gospel, I desire now, in God's grace, to track His further way; and may He, through the Spirit ...read
›Chapter 3 - John 8-12 - John 8.--Thus was it with Israel now. They knew not that they were still in bonds, and needing His hand to lead them out, and feed them again. They kn ...read
›Chapter 4 - John 13 - I HAVE followed the Lord through chapters 1 - 12 of this Gospel, noticing His ways as the Son of God, the Stranger from heaven, the Saviour of sinners ...read
›Chapter 5 - John 14-16 - Having thus passed, in spirit, through the night, and taken His place in the day that lay beyond it, the Lord turns to His disciples, and in these cha ...read
›Chapter 6 - John 17 - After thus comforting them with the knowledge of their standing, as the family of the Father, and, as it were, making gracious amends to them for His ...read
›Chapter 7 - John 18-19 - I HAVE followed this Gospel in its order, down to the close of John 17, having distributed it so far into three principal sections: the first, introdu ...read
›Chapter 8 - John 20 - Accordingly, at the opening of this chapter, we so find it. Jesus has risen, the Bruiser of the serpent; becoming through death the Destroyer of him t ...read
›Chapter 9 - John 21 - Thus have we seen life actually dispensed by the risen Lord to His brethren, and ministry committed to them as such; and we have seen life pledged to ...read