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Distinguishing Traits of Christian Character

By Gardiner Spring

Table of Contents

   1 - Introduction - What must I do to be saved? How may I know that I am saved? It is obvious that these are two different questions, and it is just as clear that the Bib
   2 - Visible Morality - In what consists those fruits of the Spirit which show plainly to ourselves and others that we are born of God? This inquiry is of the most practical
   3 - Speculative Knowledge - Nor is it conclusive evidence of true religion that a man is well instructed in the doctrines of the Gospel. No man is warranted to believe himself a
   4 - Form of Religion - Nor can the mere form of religion be relied on as conclusive testimony that man is born of God. The religion of the Bible possesses a body and a soul;
   5 - Eminent Gifts - It is by no means conclusive evidence that men are born of God because they are endued with eminent gifts. Some people are very retired in their habit
   6 - Conviction for Sin - It is no certain evidence that a person has been born of God because he has been the subject of deep convictions for sin. Some degree of conviction fo
   7 - Strong Assurance - No man may certainly conclude that he is born of God merely because he indulges strong confidence that he is a Christian. If to be strongly persuaded
   8 - The Time of Your Supposed Conversion - It is no certain evidence that a man is born of God because he can specify the particular time when he believes he was converted. I have no doubt that
   9 - Love to God - In the preceding essays I have referred to several things which neither prove nor disprove the existence of true religion in the soul. A man may be un
   10 - Repentance for Sin - A mere glance at the ruin and recovery of man is enough to convince us that of the religion of fallen beings repentance forms an essential part. It is
   11 - Faith in Christ - There are errors on the subject of faith in Christ which it is nowhere more important to observe and avoid than when we consider it as a test of Chris
   12 - Evangelical Humility - Evangelical humility consists in a just view of our own character, and in a disposition to abase ourselves as low as the vileness of our character req
   13 - Self-Denial - Another evidence of Christian character is the spirit and practice of self-denial. Self-denial consists in the voluntary renunciation of everything wh
   14 - Devotion to Divine Honor and Glory of God - Intimately connected with the spirit of self-denial is supreme devotion to the honor and glory of God. From the formation of the first angel of light
   15 - The Spirit of Prayer - Another evidence of regeneration is the spirit of prayer. When we say that the spirit of prayer is conclusive evidence of Christian character, we feel
   16 - Brotherly Love - Another evidence is love to the brethren. The Gospel breathes the spirit of love. Love is the fulfilling of its precepts, the evidence of its power, t
   17 - Separation from the World - A convincing evidence of true piety is the spirit of separation from the world. Saints are expectants of glory. They are born from above and have no h
   18 - Growth in Grace - How beautiful is the light of the morning! Behold it hovering over the distant edge of the horizon and shedding its cheerful beams upon the hills. It
   19 - Practical Obedience - After all that has been said the great evidence of vital piety is practical obedience. The character of men is to be decided by their conduct. I maint
   20 - Conclusion - The preceding pages may perhaps assist you in deciding the question whether you are born of the Spirit and a child of God. This subject is certainly w

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