›Lecture 1: Ephesians 1 - If you look at the 3rd verse, and down to the end of the 6th, it gives in a simple way the key of the epistle. If you attend to the superscription in ...read
›Lecture 2: Ephesians 2:4 - It is in my heart to speak to you a few words upon the mercy of God. One of the great difficulties in connection with such a subject is its exceeding ...read
›Lecture 3: Ephesians 3 - In the first chapter there were two things especially the apostle wanted these Ephesians to know. First, What was the hope of the calling of the God o ...read
›Lecture 4: Ephesians 4 - Down to the 10th verse of the 2nd chapter, the apostle is looking at the counsels of God to be made good in a people on the earth through that mighty ...read
›Lecture 5: Ephesians 6:10-24 - There are three parts in the redemption of Israel out of Egypt. There was, first of all, the making a way through the Red Sea; getting them on the roa ...read