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As It Was in the Beginning

By T. Austin-Sparks

Table of Contents

   Chapter 1 - "As It Was in the Beginning..." - From "A Witness and a Testimony" magazines, Sept-Oct 1963 to May-June 1964 There are probably few fragments of liturgy more subject to repetition t
   Chapter 2 - "As It Was in the Beginning..." (continued) - We have seen that the "beginning" relates to the earliest part of New Testament times, not even to the latest parts of the New Testament. The latest w
   Chapter 3 - The Church and the World - In our quest for the secrets of the power in the church "As it was in the beginning" -- that is, in the years immediately subsequent to the great Pent
   Chapter 4 - Churches and Workers - We have laid great emphasis upon the fact that, in the beginnings, everything was under the government of the Holy Spirit who had taken over the whole
   Chapter 5 - Christ and His Church Incognito - "...the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not" (1 John 3:1). In our pursuit of this enquiry into the differences between things now and as
   Chapter 6 - The Meaning and Reality of Things - The Book of the Revelation -- a book which discloses the changed spiritual conditions in the early post-apostolic days, and perhaps, prophetically, th
   Chapter 7 - The Great Transition - Much has been written, and is still being written, about the difference in the progress of the Gospel in the first three decades of Christianity and t
   Chapter 8 - The Great Transition (continued) - That all the elements of a great transition were present in those first years following the resurrection and ascension of the Lord and the advent of t
   Chapter 9 - The Cross - When we refer to the "beginning" -- meaning the beginning of Christianity -- we, of course, instinctively think of Pentecost, that advent of the Holy
   Chapter 10 - Release by Illumination - In this quest for the secrets of power and effectiveness as characteristic of things in the book of "The Acts", we are seeing that these secrets are s

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