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The Two Natures

By E.W. Bullinger

Table of Contents

   Preface and Introduction - THE TWO NATURES IN THE CHILD OF GOD E.W. BULLINGER, D.D. PREFACE The experience of the child of God is described, in Galatians 5:17, the
   1: The Names and Characteristics of the Old Nature - 1.) The Flesh; as we have it in John 3:6. "That which is born of the flesh is flesh." It comes by birth as generated by a fallen begetter. Concerni
   2: The Character and End of the Old Nature - Having considered the various names given to the old nature in Scripture, we come now to see what is said about the nature itself, and its end. The fi
   3: The Names and Characteristics of the New Nature - It is a great and blessed fact that there is something Divine as well as human; something begotten by God as well as by man. There is "spirit" as well
   4: The Character and End of the New Nature - We are now in a position to consider what we are taught as to the new nature itself. We have looked at its various tides and characteristics; and now
   5: The Conflict Between the Two Natures - Having learnt so much, separately, about the characteristics of the two natures, from Romans 6--8, we have now to learn the experience and the doctrin
   6: Our Responsibilities as to the Old Nature - We have seen that, though the two natures dwell side by side in the same personality, it is clear that we have certain responsibilities with regard to
   7: Our Responsibilities as to the New Nature - Our responsibilities as to the new nature are exactly the opposite to those as to the old nature. Our first responsibility as to the old nature was to
   8: Practical Conclusions - There are some remaining points with regard to our responsibility as to the two natures which come more under the head of practical conclusions, or ad

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