›1: Genesis 1:1 to Revelations 22:21 - First Paper, Things to Come, Sept. 1895
There is no subject of greater importance to the Body of the Christ than that which, in the New Testament ...read
›2: The Secret of the Interval - Second Paper, Things to Come, Oct. 1895
There are several sacred secrets, which are there spoken of; and there is one that is called the "great s ...read
›3: The Great Sacred Secret - Third Paper, Things to Come, Nov. 1895
There are three important Scriptures in which the "great" sacred secret is specially and formally revealed ...read
›4: The Body of the Christ - Fourth Paper, Things to Come, Dec. 1895
This brings us to consider the "great" sacred secret - "The Body of the Christ," "Christ and the Assembly ...read
›6: Practical Conclusions - Sixth Paper, Things to Come, Feb. 1896
When once we have grasped the great sacred secret of the Christ, we have a key to open several other diffi ...read
›7: The Body And The Bride - Seventh Paper, Things to Come, March 1896
There is another error, which the doctrine of the Sacred Secret corrects, though there is certainly som ...read