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Plain Papers on the Holy Spirit

By C.I. Scofield

Table of Contents

   Introductory - We are in the midst of a marked revival of interest in the Person and work of the Holy Sprit. More books, booklets and tracts upon that subject have i
   1. The Holy Spirit As A Divine Person - The complete demonstration of this fundamental fact would require the citation of every passage in the Scriptures relating in any way to the Holy Spir
   2. The Holy Spirit Before And Since Pentecost - It is obvious to every reader of the Bible that the doctrine of the Holy Spirit follows, in common with every other doctrine, the law of progressive d
   3. The Holy Spirit Before And Since Pentecost, Part 2 - Two of the divisions into which the progressive unfolding of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit falls have been reviewed: the Old Testament stage of that
   4. The Filling With The Holy Spirit - In the last chapter the writer endeavored to show that the Epistles, which (with the Revelation) are God's final word to the saints of this dispensati
   5. The Filling With The Holy Spirit Is Indispensable - Much of the speaking about the filling with the Holy Spirit implies that such filling is desirable, indeed, but not indispensable. It is treated as on

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