›Introduction - Written By One [Adam Clarke Himself]
Who Was Intimately Acquainted With Him From His Boyhood To The Sixtieth Year Of His Age
Edited By The Rev. ...read
›Preface - There are some circumstances respecting the succeeding Memoirs which require explanation, and others which need statement. "If these Memoirs were writ ...read
›Book 1 - Man may be considered as having a twofold origin -- natural, which is common and the same to all -- patronymic, which belongs to the various families ...read
›Book 2 - I come now to the most important part of A. C.'s life; that in which he began to perceive the importance of pure and undefiled Religion: and in which ...read
›Book 3 - We have seen, from the preceding statement, that young Clarke had already frequently given public exhortations in different country places -- but in n ...read
›Book 4 - BRADFORD (WILTS) CIRCUIT, 1782-3
This circuit extended into three counties, Wilts, Somerset, and Dorset, and contained at that time the following p ...read