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Amidst the Circumstances

By Mary Wilder Tileston

      The peace of God, which passeth all, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
         --PHILIPPIANS 4:7

      I TAKE Thee for my Peace, 0 Lord,
      My heart to keep and fill;
      Thine own great calm, amid earth's storms,
      Shall keep me always still,
      And as Thy Kingdom doth increase,
      So shall Thine ever.deepening peace.
         --ANNIE W. MARSTON

      REMEMBER this, busy and burdened disciple; man or woman tried by uncertain health; immersed in secular duties; forced to a life of almost ceaseless publicity. Here is written an assurance, a guarantee, that not at holy times and welcome intervals only, not only in the dust of death, but in the dust of life, there is prepared for you the peace of God, able to keep your hearts and thoughts in Christ Jesus. It is found in Him, it is cultivated by intercourse with Him. It is "the secret of His presence." Amidst the circum.stances of your life, which are the expression of His will, He can maintain it, He can keep you in it. Nay, it is not passive; it "shall keep" you, alive, and loving, and practical, and ready at His call.
         --HANDLEY C. G. MOULE

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