By love serve one another. For all the law is ful-filled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. GALATIANS 5:13,14
A MAN who habitually pleases himself will be-come continually more selfish and sordid, even among the most noble and beautiful conditions which nature, history, or art can furnish; and, on the other hand, any one who will try each day to live for the sake of others, will grow more and more gracious in thought and bearing, however dull and even squalid may be the outward circumstances of his soul's probation. FRANCIS PAGET
It is the habit of making sacrifices in small things that enables us for making them in great, when it is asked of us. Temper, love of preeminence, bodily indulgence, the quick retort, the sharp irony,--in checking these let us find our cross and carry it. Or, when the moment comes for some really great service, the heart will be petrified for it, and the blinded eyes will not see the occasion of love. ANTHONY W. THOROLD