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No Fear on the Journey

By Mary Wilder Tileston

      Let not your hearts faint, fear not, and do not tremble, neither be ye terrified because of them.
      DEUTERONOMY 20:3

      SON of the living God! Oh, call us
      Once and again to follow Thee,
      And give us strength, whate'er befall us,
      Thy true disciples still to be.

      And if our coward hearts deny Thee,
      In inmost thought, or deed, or word,
      Let not our hardness still defy Thee,
      But with a look subdue us, Lord.

      HALF our difficulty in doing anything worthy of our high calling, is the shrinking anticipation of its possible after-consequences. But if Peter had tarried, and cast up all that was to come, the poverty, and wandering, and solitude, and lonely old age, the out-cast life, and chance of a fearful death, it may be he would have been neither an Apostle nor a Christian.

      Some men will follow Christ on certain conditions--if He will not lead them through rough roads--if He will not enjoin them any painful tasks--if the sun and wind do not annoy them--if He will remit a part of His plan and order. But the true Christian, who has the spirit of Jesus, will say, as Ruth said to Naomi, "Whither thou goest I will go," whatever difficulties and dangers may be in the way.

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