Be kindly affectioned one to another with broth-erly love. ROMANS 12:10
Love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous. I PETER 3:8
LET your religion make you more considerate, more loving and attractive, more able to think of and enter into the pleasure and interests of others. ARTHUR C. A. HALL
LOVE one another in spite of your differences, in spite of your faults. Love one another, and make the best of one another, as He loved us, who, for the sake of saving what was good in the human soul, for-got, forgave, put out of sight what was bad--who saw and loved what was good even in the publican Zac-cheus, even in the penitent Magdalen, even in the expiring malefactor, even in the heretical Samaritan, even in the Pharisee Nicodemus, even in the heathen soldier, even in the outcast Canaanite. It is very easy to fix our attention only on the weak points of those around us, to magnify them, to irritate them, to ag-gravate them; and, by so doing, we can make the burden of life unendurable, and can destroy our own and others' happiness and usefulness wherever we go. But this was not the love wherewith Christ loved us; this is not the new love wherewith we are to love one another. ARTHUR P. STANLEY