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Rejoice in God

By Mary Wilder Tileston

      Serve the Lord with gladness. For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting; and His truth endureth to all generations.
      PSALMS 100:2,5

      TEACH me Thy love to know;
      That this new light which now I see,
      May both the work and workman show
      Then by a sunbeam I will climb to Thee.

      WHY should we not rejoice in the good things of God? If the day is pure and serene, we enjoy its gladness. Why should we not rejoice in the serene light of truth that shines from Heaven upon us? We find a joy in the presence and cheerful greeting of our friends. Why should we not look up to Heaven, whence so many pure and most loving faces look upon us with divine affection, and with most tender desires to cheer and help us? Having an almighty and most loving Father, in whom we live, and move, and have our being, let us rejoice in Him. Having a most loving Saviour, who has made Himself our brother, and feeds us with His life, we ought surely to rejoice in Him. Having the Holy Spirit of God with us, making us His temples, and pouring His love into our hearts, we ought certainly to answer His love, and rejoice in His overflowing goodness. "Rejoice in the Lord alway, and again I say, Rejoice."

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