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In the Fighting

By Mary Wilder Tileston

      Who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto Himself a people for His own possession, zealous of good works.
      TITUS 2:14 (R. v.)

      LOVE only can the conquest win,
      The strength of sin subdue;
      Come, O my Saviour, cast out sin,
      And form my soul anew.

      LIVING and victorious faith is that whereby Christ dwelleth in our hearts. But Christ will not dwell in our hearts, if we fill our hearts with things which He hates. Yet is there then no victory, nor real faith, when the world holds a struggle with us, sometimes overcoming us, sometimes overcome? In some things victory should be complete at once. Sins of infirmity there may be; sins against light there should not be. To do wilfully and knowingly what God hates, destroys faith, and hope, and love. But so that thou art fighting against thy besetting sin, if thou art conquering thyself, thou art still Christ's soldier, even though in thought, word, or deed, thou be, from time to time, in lesser things surprised. This, then, is matter of faith, that if we will, we can, by the grace of God, prevail over every temptation.

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