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Draws All Men

By Mary Wilder Tileston

      And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto Me.
      JOHN 12:32

      We know that, when He shall appear, we shall be like Him; for we shall see Him as He is.
      1 JOHN 3:2

      FOR if Christ be born within, Which the soul had lost through sin,
      God's own image fair and clear,
      And the soul serene and bright
      Mirror back His heavenly light.

      LORD, never was a magnet so powerful to draw to itself the hard steel, as Thou, the Lord, lifted up on the cross, art powerful to draw unto Thee the hearts of men. 0 beloved Lord, draw me through joy and sorrow, from all that is in the world to Thee and to Thy cross; form me, and shape me into Thine image here below, that I may enjoy Thee eternally in the glory whither Thou art gone.

      THINK who Christ is, and what Christ is,--and then think what His personal influence must be--quite infinite, boundless, miraculous. So that the very blessedness of heaven will not be merely the sight of our Lord; it will be the being made holy, and kept holy, by that sight.

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