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The Lord Will Strengthen

By Mary Wilder Tileston

      Thy God hath commanded thy strength; strengthen, 0 God, that which Thou hast wrought for us.
      PSALMS 68:28

      Fear not, nor be dismayed; be strong, and of good courage.
      JOSHUA 10:25

      THEN combat well, of naught afraid,
      For thus His follower thou art made,
      Each battle teaches thee to fight,
      Each foe to be a braver knight,
      Armed with His might.
      J. H. BOHMER, 1704

      HENCEFORTH my soul should fight with the prestige of victory, with the courage that comes of having striven and won, trusted and not been confounded.

      They have had their victories; and when the stress is hardest, it is wise to look back on these for encouragement, as songs of joy and triumph bring strength and support along a way beset with pain and sorrow and disappointments; which, when seen in their true proportions, are only as faint specks showing in a universe of infinite light.

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