Though I walk in the midst of trouble, Thou wilt revive me; Thou shalt stretch forth Thine hand against the wrath of mine enemies, and Thy right hand shall save me.
PSALMS 138:7
HOLY Spirit, Joy divine,
Cheer this saddened heart of mine;
Bid my troubled thoughts be still;
With Thy peace my spirit fill.
THEREFORE, in the evil hour, lie still, feel thy stay, till His light which "makes manifest" arise in thee, and clear up things to thee. And think not the time of darkness long; but watch, that thy heart be kept empty, and thy mind clear of thoughts and belief of things, till He bring in somewhat which thou mayest safely receive. Therefore, say to thy thoughts and to thy belief of things (according to the representation of the dark power, in the time of thy darkness)
"Get thee hence!" And if that will not do, look tip to the Lord to speak to them; and to keep them out if they be not already entered, or to thrust them out if they be already got in. And if He do not so presently, or for a long time, yet do not murmur or think much, but wait till He do. Yea, though they violently thrust themselves upon thee, and seem to have entered thy mind, yet let them be as strangers to thee; receive them not, believe them not, know them not, own them not.