By Mary Wilder Tileston
Let all those that seek Thee rejoice and be glad in Thee; let such as love Thy salvation say continually, The Lord be magnified.
PSALMS 40:16
Then will I go unto the altar of God; unto God, my exceeding joy.
WE doubt the word that tells us: Ask,
And ye shall have your prayer;
We turn our thoughts as to a task,
With will constrained and rare.
And yet we have; these scanty prayers
Yield gold without alloy;
0 God, but he who trusts and dares
Must have a boundless joy!
TELL them that, until religion cease to be a burden, it is nothing,--until prayer cease to be a weariness, it is nothing. However difficult and however imperfect, the spirit must still rejoice in it.
From a weary laborer, worn with slavish and ineffectual toil, I had become as a little child receiving from God the free gift of eternal life and of daily sustenance; and prayer, from a weary spiritual exercise, had become the simple asking from the Heavenly Father of daily bread, and thanking Him.