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By Bible Names of God

      John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

      We come today to John's Gospel in which we shall find many titles for the Son of God. Here we confront the first --- "The Word". The book of Genesis commences with creation, but John commences with the Creator. Back of all things with which we ever have had or will have to do is The Word. "The Word Was God!" What a foundation for our faith when we know that Jesus was the Word and the Word-WAS-God! Every day we can, if we will, be facing this tremendous Fact, and as we feel the throb of our heart, there is a voice which Says, "God!" Without Him --- NOTHING! With Him --- "all things!"

      Oh, Thou Living Word, who has given us the Written Word, help us to abide in Thee today. Amen.

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