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O THOU who hast redeemed of old,

By A Collection of Hymns

      8s & 6s.
      1 O THOU who hast redeemed of old,
      And bidd'st me of thy strength lay hold,
      And be at peace with thee,
      Help me thy benefits to own,
      And hear me tell what thou hast done,
      O dying Lamb, for me!

      2 Out of myself for help I go,
      Thy only love resolved to know,
      Thy love my plea I make;
      Give me thy love, 'tis all I claim;
      Give, for the honour of thy name,
      Give, for thy mercy's sake.

      3 Canst thou deny that love to me?
      Say, thou Incarnate Deity,
      Thou Man of sorrows, say;
      Thy glory why didst thou enshrine
      In such a clod of earth as mine,
      And wrap thee in my clay?

      4 Ancient of days, why didst thou come,
      And stoop to a poor virgin's womb,
      Contracted to a span?
      Flesh of our flesh why wast thou made,
      And humbly in a manger laid,
      The new-born Son of man?

      5 Love, only love, thy heart inclined,
      And brought thee, Saviour of mankind,
      Down from thy throne above;
      Love made my God a man of grief,
      Distressed thee sore for my relief:
      O mystery of love!

      6 Because thou lov'dst, and diedst for me,
      Cause me, my Saviour, to love thee,
      And gladly to resign
      Whate'er I have, whate'er I am;
      My life be all with thine the same,
      And all thy death be mine.

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