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LORD of hosts, our God and Lord,

By A Collection of Hymns

      7s & 6s. Acts iv. 24 - 33.
      1 LORD of hosts, our God and Lord,
      To thee we lift our voice,
      Praise thy name with one accord,
      And in thy strength rejoice;
      Heaven is thine, and earth, and sea,
      The work of thine almighty hand;
      Every creature made by thee
      Must bow to thy command.

      2 Lord, the cause belongs to thee
      When truth's opposers rise,
      Thou, who dost the evil see,
      Disperse it with thine eyes!
      They and we are in thine hand,
      Who sittest on thy righteous throne;
      Let thine awful counsel stand,
      Thy sovereign will be done.

      3 Thou who once didst shake the place
      Where praying saints were met,
      Spirit of faith and holiness,
      The miracle repeat;
      Now exert thy power to heal,
      Thy waiting servants, Lord, inspire,
      Warm their hearts with heavenly zeal,
      And touch their lips with fire.

      4 Power to every messenger
      And ready utterance give,
      That we boldly may declare
      The name through which we live,
      Preach the reconciling Word,
      Who did his peace to all bequeath,
      Followers of our lamb-like Lord,
      And faithful unto death.

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